Friday, August 1, 2008

Science In Our Backyard

While searching for websites that have photos from space of the Columbus and Chattahoochee Valley area, I typed in the U.S. Geological Survey, which is filled with great information and a zillion links to more great information. They call it, "Your source for science you can use." It beats unending cable reruns, and your kids can run amok and dazzle their teachers with their science reports. Type 'Georgia' into the Science In Your Back Yard link, which is where this map is shown with more detail. When I find the space photos, I'll link it up. Until then, check out the Astronomy Picture of the Day site from NASA. You'll love it, and it's easy to find their archived photos and once again, a ton of cool stuff about the stars.

Robin (amateur astronomer and onetime biochemistry major)

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